"The Man who Was Crushed to Death by Money" is a Korean comedy film made in 1971. The main character is played by Bongseo Goo, who is generally regarded as the best living Korean comedian of all time. And he was actually very popular back in 60s and in 70s. But, this film is cheap. I mean this film is both dramatically cheap and technically cheap. You can see some scenes blown out and some flickering cuts that make the story not understandable. Sometimes, you can not even see what is happening. This is just because bad editing and primitive technique of camera. It has all the quality of "trash movie" in 70s/80s' Korean film industry: Film makers hire a popular actor, make a movie as quickly as they can, and frustrate the viewers, but make some money anyway.
But on the other hand, some part of this movie is funny. Some scenes are ruined, but the most part of the movie can be understood, because they are very easy scenes. The movie makers of this movie seem to have known what they were working on. They did not try to make some complicated difficult artistic work. They shot just humble and simple scenes. This might be boring idea, however it is good solution for bad editing/camera technique of this film.
Let's see what the movie looks like. The first thing that you can see is one man suggesting a big amount of the money to our main character, played by Bongseo Goo. He is an old man in this film. He has his small farm. One day, a land dealer comes and wants to buy his small farm. This dealer wants to own the land for a big development project. The main character accepts the deal, and he now gets a great amount of money. He dose a secne which literally crushed by money.
This is the prologue of the movie. You might think it is a ridiculous and mindless scene, but this was the only one scene that makes even small amount of sense. This scene is at least watchable, understandable, dramatic, and dynamic. You can understand the story and it looks like a story about much money. What I am trying to say is all the other scenes in this movie do not have any of these.
(Title sequence)
After the title sequence, which shows the names drawn by coins, the main character and his wife suddenly complain about their life. What they say is they do not have any child. Then, the wife makes a suggestion to solve this problem. You think of something like a test tube baby? Wrong. Then you might think of adoption. But it is wrong, too. What this wife in the movie says to his husband is to get a young mistress to have his baby.
What is this? She is not like his wife. Instead, she is like a bad masculine friend of the main character. There is no good explanation. Actually there is no explanation of why the wife recommends a mistress to her husband at all. The main character, of course, refuses this solution at first. However, because this is about getting "a young sexy mistress", he accepts this after a while. Now he lives with his mistress.
(he and his young mistress)
The problem is that he turns out to be too old and too weak to have a baby. Now the movie starts its main story. It is his adventure or his journey to find a viagra like medicine to succeed in their mistress-and-baby plan. Of course, this is 70s and there is no viagra. What they try to do is hilarious enough to confuse the viewers, and at the same time, to make the viewers laugh. What I mean is this movie is nothing to do with money or a sudden fortune. It is just a movie about hilarious ways to overcome impotency.
Then what are those ways? There are two employees who work for a company that the main character owns. These two guys are rivals. They fight each other to give a better, more effective, more satisfying solution to the main character. One guy is making some serum out of all the odd animals, that include snake, mole, crake, and etc. The main character drinks all the serum, but it dose not work. The other guy brings a mysterious syringe shot called "de-po". It sounds like a short nickname of "depomedrol", and it also sounds like a Korean word meaning "big gun". The main character feels hopeful when he hears of this "big gun syringe shot", which sounds powerful enough. But it also fails.
After a series of failures, the main character decides to use "a secret recipe of the ancient emperor". It is making a medicine out of "balls". The main character hires two guys who agree to sell one ball per one person. This is hilarious and cheap, but the worse (I mean, the better) is one of the guy is played by top comedian, Youngchoon Seo and the other guy is played by top actor, Jang-gang Heo, who was very famous for his roles of serious bad guys in 60s' and 70s' Korean film. These two odd choices of actors add some more hilarious factor to scenes with "a secret recipe of the ancient emperor".
The other things that the main character tries are getting famous doctors. The first employee recommends an European doctor called, "The Strong King", and the second employee recommends a Chinese doctor called, "The Great Stamina". "The Strong King" is introduced as a doctor of a famous French guy, Casanova. (Casanova was actually Spanish/Italian.) and "The Great Stamina" is introduced as a guy who has studied only "this job" for 10 straight years in a deep hidden mountain valley. In fact, they are just desguised quacks. Actually they are two guys who sold their balls to the main character.
The Strong King uses a computerized machine to put some power to the main character. The machine looks really cheap and unrealistic in the movie. However the secne in the movie makes speaking of "unrealistic" to be meaningless, because The Strong King says: this is a nuclear-powered-stamina-enhancer. Combining a concept of nuclear power and a sexul enhancer is one hilarious idea to make a joke. It is sensless and stupid but it makes person laugh.
On the other hand, "The Great Stamina" uses some Yin-Yang theory. He puts the main character into a very cold bath tub and into a very hot bath tub, repeatedly. The result is that the both quaks fail. And the main character criticizes them. He orders them to cooperate together.
The final solution that the two try is mixing the everything introduced in the movie. You can see the most typical explosion of bad scientific experiment in the world of old worn-out comedy. Anyway, they get some part of the resulted product. The main character finally drinks this final mixture.
The final part of the movie goes way far. It breaks the logic of the movie. The logic of this movie is already broken enough, but the last part of the movie breaks it again in a new different dimension.
It is like this:
The main character turns into a crazy maniac or a monster who can not control his enormous power. He can not stand his power, and the movie informs this situation, by showing a scene of the main character breaking a random rod without any reason. There is a few more random scenes that show his enormous power. One of them is eating a "clock" without any reason. In this movie, eating a clock represents too much sexual power. It is one hilarious moment that anyone can not see often.
But the hilarious factor goes even further. The next scene is the crazy main character trying to attack wives of the two employees. The two wives are scared, and they try to think of some good way to escape from this situation.
One of the wives suddenly says, they need to slow down this maniac. O.K. but how? What she suggests is:
"Let's dance to slow him down."
And they suddenly begin to dance!
How can their dance slow the crazy maniac? And why dose this woman think of "dancing" out of nowhere? And what dose make the other woman to agree to this dancing idea? Nobody knows. This is the most hilarious moment of the entire movie.
The next scene is ruined by bad editing. We can not see what the exact situation after that. Only thing that we can guess is that the main character hurt some people. The main character is now normal again, and he regrets. He feels very sorry. Now he tries to kill himself.
How? Hanging by the neck? No. Shooting with a gun? No. Eating a toxic pill? No. Jumping off the building? No. What the main character dose to kill himself is "putting a belt of dynamite sticks on" to blow himself. He is crying and trying to light up the dynamite sticks. Then, the two employees come, and try to suggest another new idea. Suddenly, he turns into the crazy maniac with enormous power again, and the two employees run away.
The last crazy maniac transformation turns out to be fake. It was desgusing. It was just for driving the two employees out. Nobody tells anything about the reason why he is doing this odd thing to avoid his own employees. He might hate them. But he is the boss. He could just fire them.
Anyway, after all these mindless moments, the last conclusion is a happy ending which shows the smiling old wife and the main character, saying "we, just two of us, can be happy without any child" to his old wife.
The point of this film is showing ridiculously twsting story told in mind blowing way. This makes viewers shocked. This makes viewers silly. But it is very, very, mind blowing and ridiculous at the same time. The viewers will feel like to see the end of the hilariousness. This makes the viewers watch this film till its end. This is the funny point of the film.
The comedians in this film were not that bad at their jobs. They are good at giving funny faces. Some of them are very good at impersonating. For example, Youngchoon Seo, the most famous Korean comedian of that time, is amazing when he is impersonating a Chinese doctor. It is like Peter Sellers. Some hilarious things in the movie turn into actual jokes by these good comedians. Not good jokes, but funny enought to make you feel curious what will happen next.
One more thing. In this movie, you can see the people in the movie usually talk slowly. Too slowly, it seems to be strange. The reason of the slow speed of talking is that they did their voice dubbing for the entire movie. Not using real-time synchronous recording reduced the cost of making movie. And they wanted to synchronize the dubbed sound to the moving lips of the actors without any difficulty. This is the reason why all the talk were very slow in the trash movies in 70s' and 80s' Korean movie.
April 19, 2011
April 2, 2011
Dracula in a Coffin (관 속의 드라큐라, GWANSOG-UI DEULAKYULA, 1982)
"Dracula in a Coffin" is 1982 Korean horror film, featuring an European or American actor as Dracula. This film is very notorious among the Horror movie fans in Korea or among the hilarious movie fans in Korea. This movie is so notorious that it is once mentioned as a funny trivia in Korean trivia themed TV show.
Despite of its notorious reputation, I am sure that this movie is not that bad, and it is not that hilarious. There were tons of bad movies in 70s and 80s of Korean film industry. I do not think this film is an extreme example. The problem is this movie is just relatively not very bad. What I am saying is: in place where there are tons of trashes, you can not smell one particular rotten fruit. But anyway you must not eat that fruit.
The most apparently unique thing in this movie is the movie makers of this movie casted an European or an American actor as Dracula. This is Korean film and non-Korean actor was very unique at that time. In other words, this means this is the movie about the actual original Dracula from Europe, and about Dracula coming to Korea, attacking Korean women. This sounded very ambitious at that time.
The actor who played Dracula was one who called "Ken Christopher". The last name, Christopher, often reminded people Christopher Lee at that time. Because Hammer horror films were really popular in Korea. And Christopher Lee was regarded as the best Dracula in the history. The movie marketing of this "Dracula in a Coffin" went like this: This is a movie featuring some Christopher guy, and he can be regarded as another Christopher Lee. After a while, there came some rumor like the guy who played Dracula in this movie is the new generation of Christopher Lee, and somebody began to say the guy in this movie was really good actor like Christopher Lee. Finally somebody started to say there was real Christopher Lee in this movie.
Today, there are a few theories about who this guy who played Dracula, called Ken Christopher was. Some document found from a newspaper archive says this guy is a French person. And some other people have their theory of this Ken Christopher is a random American soldier who were enjoying his funny kind of vacation from his American army base in Korea. Nobody knows the exact fact about who he really was, and how he could be a new Dracula in this notorious film.
The film naturally has its general bad points like usual bad movies. Editing is so bad that the scenes look like scenes not in one continuous film. Acting is bad, too. And the story dose not make sense and is very hard to understand what is happening. There are senseless love themed stories that are not even completed in the movie and there are meaningless erotic scenes, which are not directed in really erotic way. There are so many things that break the integrated movie structure or the one structured story.
On the other hand, there are hilarious points. The face of Dracula is very not real and this makes audience excited in some way. And the only thing that Dracula can say in this movie is lousy noise that he makes when he attacks people. This means there is not even one complete meaningful line of actual words that this foreign actor could say. Another thing that you can enjoy in this film is the mind blowing logic of the battle against Dracula. In some scenes, Dracula is really strong and invincible. But in some other scenes, Dracula is really weak and dumb, that anybody can kill him.
The most well-known hilarious thing in this film is its fighting scene, which shows Buddhist monk like a Shaolin monk fighting against Dracula. They are doing some sorts of weird super natural power battle, like Jedi or something. And it dose not seem to be credible at all. Do you think introducing only one religion in the movie is a little unfair? Do not worry. This movie also contains a Catholic priest who wants to fight against Dracula.
I think this film must be affected from a Hong Kong film called "The Legend of 7 Golden Vampires". Because that Hong Kong film back in 70s also has its theme of Dracula attacking far oriental cities and is very hilarious, too. That film was also made because of the popularity of Hammer Horror films. In fact, in that Hong Kong film, there is real Peter Cushing. And lots of the film makers from Hammer worked together on that film.
One more thing. In the trailer of "Dracula in a Coffin", you can hear the narration guy saying "if you have not so strong heart, then please do not watch this film."
Despite of its notorious reputation, I am sure that this movie is not that bad, and it is not that hilarious. There were tons of bad movies in 70s and 80s of Korean film industry. I do not think this film is an extreme example. The problem is this movie is just relatively not very bad. What I am saying is: in place where there are tons of trashes, you can not smell one particular rotten fruit. But anyway you must not eat that fruit.
The most apparently unique thing in this movie is the movie makers of this movie casted an European or an American actor as Dracula. This is Korean film and non-Korean actor was very unique at that time. In other words, this means this is the movie about the actual original Dracula from Europe, and about Dracula coming to Korea, attacking Korean women. This sounded very ambitious at that time.
The actor who played Dracula was one who called "Ken Christopher". The last name, Christopher, often reminded people Christopher Lee at that time. Because Hammer horror films were really popular in Korea. And Christopher Lee was regarded as the best Dracula in the history. The movie marketing of this "Dracula in a Coffin" went like this: This is a movie featuring some Christopher guy, and he can be regarded as another Christopher Lee. After a while, there came some rumor like the guy who played Dracula in this movie is the new generation of Christopher Lee, and somebody began to say the guy in this movie was really good actor like Christopher Lee. Finally somebody started to say there was real Christopher Lee in this movie.
The film naturally has its general bad points like usual bad movies. Editing is so bad that the scenes look like scenes not in one continuous film. Acting is bad, too. And the story dose not make sense and is very hard to understand what is happening. There are senseless love themed stories that are not even completed in the movie and there are meaningless erotic scenes, which are not directed in really erotic way. There are so many things that break the integrated movie structure or the one structured story.
On the other hand, there are hilarious points. The face of Dracula is very not real and this makes audience excited in some way. And the only thing that Dracula can say in this movie is lousy noise that he makes when he attacks people. This means there is not even one complete meaningful line of actual words that this foreign actor could say. Another thing that you can enjoy in this film is the mind blowing logic of the battle against Dracula. In some scenes, Dracula is really strong and invincible. But in some other scenes, Dracula is really weak and dumb, that anybody can kill him.
The most well-known hilarious thing in this film is its fighting scene, which shows Buddhist monk like a Shaolin monk fighting against Dracula. They are doing some sorts of weird super natural power battle, like Jedi or something. And it dose not seem to be credible at all. Do you think introducing only one religion in the movie is a little unfair? Do not worry. This movie also contains a Catholic priest who wants to fight against Dracula.
Young-gu and Daengchili (영구와 땡칠이, YOUNG-GUWA DAENGCHILI, 1989)
"Young-gu and Daengchili" is 1989 children's comedy film, which is directed by Ginam Nam. Ginam Nam is known as something like "the fastest film shooter in the world". Because he made very cheap movie, within extremely short time. He has his record of making a commercially released feature-length martial arts movie, which even has location filming in America, within just one week. And this movie, "Young-gu and Daengchili" is the most successful film of hundreds of his movies.
Story of this film is similar to an interesting Hollywood movie, called "Monster Squad". That is a bunch of town kids fighting against all of the famous monsters and ghosts from old horror films. In this "Young-gu and Daengchili", the main kid called "Young-gu" and his friends fight against Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, and Werewolf. Also there are some oriental monsters including Chinese hopping zombie and Korean traditional virgin ghost. It is interesting idea for the plot and this movie introduces this story with hilariously cheap jokes. These jokes are not very funny but very very hilarious, which are not boring at all.
On the other hand, this film is very important movie as a notable example of Comedian movies of late 80s and early 90s. Back in 80s and 90s, there were many cheap feature-length comedy movies based on successful comedy TV shows. They usually reused the characters from the TV shows, and casted the main comedian from the TV show. These movies should have been cheap and quick. So film makers targeted children as their audience, and they adjusted its style as stupid as possible, because lazy stupidity jokes were the easiest ones to make. They could trick the children to believe that they were watching really funny jokes, even if they were not that funny but just purely stupid.
"Young-gu" in this movie is, of course, based on the successful TV show. It is parody comedy of the other serious TV show called "Way of Woman". It was originally the tragic story between a mysterious wife and a stupid husband during the time of World War II and Korean War. But the parody comedy focused on the stupidity of the husband.
This movie, "Young-gu and Daengchili", is purely made of stupid part of the "Young-gu" character. This "Daengchili" is just the name of the dog. The film makers of this movie erased all the other stories related to the mysterious wife and Korean War. Instead of them, they just put the story that could entertain children. They put some stories borrowed from the good children's films like Monster Squad. And they casted famous popular Comedian, Hyungrae Shim, who was the single most popular comedian of the late 80s, and who played Young-gu in TV comedy show.
This movie has not original but many interesting ideas from all the other sources. And hilarious factors are insane enough. For example, this movie begins with some sort of an interactive scene. A narrator of the movie tells to the children to say out loud the name, "Young-gu". What happens if children shouts? Recorded narration voice once again tells to the children to shout out in the louder voice. It is very primitive and cheap, but actually good way to add some entertainment value with relatively low cost.
The bad aspect is the unexpected huge success of this film resulted endless sequels and rip-offs of this film, all along the 90s. Most of them were just bad, and too cheap without any small quantity of decency. This makes Korean movie makers to think all the Children films to be cheap, bad and senseless, even for today.This is not a good way to treat young audience. There is no honor at all.
One more thing. "Young-gu" in this film becomes a symbolic character of comedian Hyungrae Shim. This makes him to build his own film studio called "Young-gu Art Movie". He has produced and directed many hilarious movies in his film studio. Some of his films have been released in America and Japan. For example, "The Reptilian", "D-War" and of course, a 2010 film, "The Last Godfather" which contains its main character, "Young-gu" once again.
Story of this film is similar to an interesting Hollywood movie, called "Monster Squad". That is a bunch of town kids fighting against all of the famous monsters and ghosts from old horror films. In this "Young-gu and Daengchili", the main kid called "Young-gu" and his friends fight against Dracula, Frankenstein's monster, and Werewolf. Also there are some oriental monsters including Chinese hopping zombie and Korean traditional virgin ghost. It is interesting idea for the plot and this movie introduces this story with hilariously cheap jokes. These jokes are not very funny but very very hilarious, which are not boring at all.
On the other hand, this film is very important movie as a notable example of Comedian movies of late 80s and early 90s. Back in 80s and 90s, there were many cheap feature-length comedy movies based on successful comedy TV shows. They usually reused the characters from the TV shows, and casted the main comedian from the TV show. These movies should have been cheap and quick. So film makers targeted children as their audience, and they adjusted its style as stupid as possible, because lazy stupidity jokes were the easiest ones to make. They could trick the children to believe that they were watching really funny jokes, even if they were not that funny but just purely stupid.
"Young-gu" in this movie is, of course, based on the successful TV show. It is parody comedy of the other serious TV show called "Way of Woman". It was originally the tragic story between a mysterious wife and a stupid husband during the time of World War II and Korean War. But the parody comedy focused on the stupidity of the husband.
This movie, "Young-gu and Daengchili", is purely made of stupid part of the "Young-gu" character. This "Daengchili" is just the name of the dog. The film makers of this movie erased all the other stories related to the mysterious wife and Korean War. Instead of them, they just put the story that could entertain children. They put some stories borrowed from the good children's films like Monster Squad. And they casted famous popular Comedian, Hyungrae Shim, who was the single most popular comedian of the late 80s, and who played Young-gu in TV comedy show.
The bad aspect is the unexpected huge success of this film resulted endless sequels and rip-offs of this film, all along the 90s. Most of them were just bad, and too cheap without any small quantity of decency. This makes Korean movie makers to think all the Children films to be cheap, bad and senseless, even for today.This is not a good way to treat young audience. There is no honor at all.
Daughter of Fire (불의 딸, BUL-UI TTAL, 1983)
"Daughter of Fire" is 1983 mystery, film-noir style film. And its main theme is shamanism. It is film which has its artistic quality for some sort of international film festival or whatever. This means this film is not so much hilarious. But it is also interesting film anyway.
There are some basic problems. One problem is that it utilizes its shamanism theme, only for mysterious old cliche style orientalism. Such as western culture is too material focused, but eastern culture has its mysterious non-material good things. Or, now the world dominated culture is western culture, but for yin-yang stuff, we have to get more eastern culture, to find the balance point. A little boring and a little senseless story.
Furthermore, from some point of view, in this movie, this eastern culture something story is even treated as some sort of patriotism in very odd way. That is like this: this film is Korean movie for Korean people, and Korea also has its own traditional Eastern culture. What I am saying is: the purpose of this movie may be saying that Korean people has good traditional Eastern culture and it is better than western culture in unknown mysterious way.
So the theme and the design of the movie sounds not that interesting.
But surprisingly, this movie is not that boring.
The main reason of not-boring story is because this movie has its good editing and detailed plot which has mystery and film noir style.
The first thing that you can see in this movie is some guy is being suffered by some disease or fatigue. He's got a seizure or something. After a short time his seizure is gone, but he finds that his son is suffered by somnambulism. Then, we can see there are lots of Christians in his family, and these American evangelist style Christian family members are praying for this sick son. In this movie, they do not look good. They are thinking of this disease of the son as some curse or satanic attack from devils.
This makes this movie to be one of a few examples of the Korean films criticizing Korean evangelists.
The next thing in this movie is actual entrance of the main story. It is relatively funnier. It goes like this:
(1) He visits his psychologist to get some advice about his sickness, I mean mysterious seizure.
(2) He talks about his history and his theory about his symtoms.
(3) He begins to talk about his childhood and memory of her mother. Because he thinks his symptoms are apparent symptoms for a person who are destined to be a shaman, and her mother also has been suffered from shamanism related destiny of hers.
Now flashback starts. We can see his mother's story with his narration. It is really like film-noir movie. But it is happening not in western style city, but in eastern style small country village. This makes this movie interesting and unique. This makes audience to be curious about what is behind this mother and these symptoms.
After some scenes of the flashback, we can have some information about this mysterious mother. She was very beautiful, so beautiful that she was almost virtually haunting men. And for some mysterious reasons, she really loved to see a fire, a burning flame. And also she really liked to do some shamanism dances. And all th men, especially her lovers or her husbands think this shaman thing was bad, because shaman is crazy, haunted job with bad reputation. So her lovers tried to stop her, make her not to do any shamanism dance, but then she mysteriously disappeared.
After this flahsback, now our main character, the son of this mysterious woman, goes to Jindo island, because he is a journalist or a reporter. It is to report a traditional festival of Jindo island. Why is this Jindo island festival so important? Because it is a festival for a narrow land passage appearing once a year from the tidal wave of the sea. It is traditonal Korean shamanism festival, but it also looks like Moses' miracle, and Christians also praise this land passage. This is a good chance to show how shamanism and Christianity make some conflicts.
In addition, Jindo island is the place where he was born, and now he tries to trace mysteriously disappeared his mother in Jindo island.
So the rest of the story is his searching for his mother's life and some other flashback scenes that show her mysterious way of living. These scenes include her lovers waiting for her, who is suddenly disappeared. These guys are waiting for her, with some burning torches all the time. This was because she really likes to see a fire. Some guy even dies while he is waiting for her, with all the torches around his small boat. Because this guy originally met her in this fishing boat with its fish-get-around-light.
The conclusion of this movie is the main guy in the film finally sees a random funeral at the end of his journey. The funeral is traditional Korean style, and he suddenly thinks this funeral can be treated as his mother's without any specific reason. He dose some Dr. Zhivago look-a-like scene. And then there is a long, really long poetic narration. This narration looks like telling some reasons for his thought, but it is still not easy to understand.
And he comes back to his home in Seoul. He sees his sick son again, and he sees many evangelist Christians again. The final scene is he is laughing at his wife and all the other Christians in his family. And with some crazy smile, he begins to talk his theory of balance and he himself wants to be a shaman. His wife gets very angry but he leaves from his home, for a shaman's den.
This final conclusion is quite disappointing. Because it dose not tell you anything about his mother's real background, or the reason why she loves to see a fire that much. This means actually this fire loving thing dose not matter anyway. There is no reasonable explanation. It is O.K. that shamanism movie is not so reasonable, however it is not O.K. to me in case that it is not dramatic.
Another thing that I don't like in this movie is that there is too much traditional Korean shamanism song. This background music is not that bad at the beginning. In fact this shamanism song sounds good. It is eerie and mysterious. And it is really oriental. In a way, it is too oriental. But that is what this movie is doing. It was good at the beginning. The problem is there is too much of this music after the beginning. It gets boring and more boring. And sometimes this strong powered music is inserted to random scenes without any preparation. There is no decency. There is no honor.
One more problem of this movie is there are meaningless, I mean very meaningless erotic scenes. In 80s of Korean movies, these sorts of meaningless randomly inserted erotic scenes were really often. The only purpose of these scenes must be just for making some teasing movie poster, which looks like very erotic movie. This was for cheating the audience, and selling the movie. Even worse, these erotic scenes in this movie are not that erotic.
Maybe I can say this movie has O.K. quality and it has some of its fun factors to watch at least it has good mystery chasing story. But it is not as good as a movie to be really good one. This movie is directed by Gwontaek Lim, who is one of the biggest figure among the Korean movie directors. And he is still doing his jobs. Mostly on very well reputated movies. The actress who played the mother in this movie is Bang-hee, who was the favorite actress of the director Gwontaek Lim back in 80s.
One more thing. Jindo island mentioned in this movie is very famous in Korea for its local dog.
There are some basic problems. One problem is that it utilizes its shamanism theme, only for mysterious old cliche style orientalism. Such as western culture is too material focused, but eastern culture has its mysterious non-material good things. Or, now the world dominated culture is western culture, but for yin-yang stuff, we have to get more eastern culture, to find the balance point. A little boring and a little senseless story.
Furthermore, from some point of view, in this movie, this eastern culture something story is even treated as some sort of patriotism in very odd way. That is like this: this film is Korean movie for Korean people, and Korea also has its own traditional Eastern culture. What I am saying is: the purpose of this movie may be saying that Korean people has good traditional Eastern culture and it is better than western culture in unknown mysterious way.
So the theme and the design of the movie sounds not that interesting.
But surprisingly, this movie is not that boring.
The main reason of not-boring story is because this movie has its good editing and detailed plot which has mystery and film noir style.
The first thing that you can see in this movie is some guy is being suffered by some disease or fatigue. He's got a seizure or something. After a short time his seizure is gone, but he finds that his son is suffered by somnambulism. Then, we can see there are lots of Christians in his family, and these American evangelist style Christian family members are praying for this sick son. In this movie, they do not look good. They are thinking of this disease of the son as some curse or satanic attack from devils.
This makes this movie to be one of a few examples of the Korean films criticizing Korean evangelists.
The next thing in this movie is actual entrance of the main story. It is relatively funnier. It goes like this:
(1) He visits his psychologist to get some advice about his sickness, I mean mysterious seizure.
(2) He talks about his history and his theory about his symtoms.
(3) He begins to talk about his childhood and memory of her mother. Because he thinks his symptoms are apparent symptoms for a person who are destined to be a shaman, and her mother also has been suffered from shamanism related destiny of hers.
Now flashback starts. We can see his mother's story with his narration. It is really like film-noir movie. But it is happening not in western style city, but in eastern style small country village. This makes this movie interesting and unique. This makes audience to be curious about what is behind this mother and these symptoms.
After this flahsback, now our main character, the son of this mysterious woman, goes to Jindo island, because he is a journalist or a reporter. It is to report a traditional festival of Jindo island. Why is this Jindo island festival so important? Because it is a festival for a narrow land passage appearing once a year from the tidal wave of the sea. It is traditonal Korean shamanism festival, but it also looks like Moses' miracle, and Christians also praise this land passage. This is a good chance to show how shamanism and Christianity make some conflicts.
In addition, Jindo island is the place where he was born, and now he tries to trace mysteriously disappeared his mother in Jindo island.
So the rest of the story is his searching for his mother's life and some other flashback scenes that show her mysterious way of living. These scenes include her lovers waiting for her, who is suddenly disappeared. These guys are waiting for her, with some burning torches all the time. This was because she really likes to see a fire. Some guy even dies while he is waiting for her, with all the torches around his small boat. Because this guy originally met her in this fishing boat with its fish-get-around-light.
The conclusion of this movie is the main guy in the film finally sees a random funeral at the end of his journey. The funeral is traditional Korean style, and he suddenly thinks this funeral can be treated as his mother's without any specific reason. He dose some Dr. Zhivago look-a-like scene. And then there is a long, really long poetic narration. This narration looks like telling some reasons for his thought, but it is still not easy to understand.
And he comes back to his home in Seoul. He sees his sick son again, and he sees many evangelist Christians again. The final scene is he is laughing at his wife and all the other Christians in his family. And with some crazy smile, he begins to talk his theory of balance and he himself wants to be a shaman. His wife gets very angry but he leaves from his home, for a shaman's den.
This final conclusion is quite disappointing. Because it dose not tell you anything about his mother's real background, or the reason why she loves to see a fire that much. This means actually this fire loving thing dose not matter anyway. There is no reasonable explanation. It is O.K. that shamanism movie is not so reasonable, however it is not O.K. to me in case that it is not dramatic.
Another thing that I don't like in this movie is that there is too much traditional Korean shamanism song. This background music is not that bad at the beginning. In fact this shamanism song sounds good. It is eerie and mysterious. And it is really oriental. In a way, it is too oriental. But that is what this movie is doing. It was good at the beginning. The problem is there is too much of this music after the beginning. It gets boring and more boring. And sometimes this strong powered music is inserted to random scenes without any preparation. There is no decency. There is no honor.
One more problem of this movie is there are meaningless, I mean very meaningless erotic scenes. In 80s of Korean movies, these sorts of meaningless randomly inserted erotic scenes were really often. The only purpose of these scenes must be just for making some teasing movie poster, which looks like very erotic movie. This was for cheating the audience, and selling the movie. Even worse, these erotic scenes in this movie are not that erotic.
One more thing. Jindo island mentioned in this movie is very famous in Korea for its local dog.
The Smart Little Kang-si (똘똘이 소강시, TTOL-TTOL-I SO-GANGSI, 1988)
"The Smart Little Kang-si" is 1988 Korean child movie. And this is one of the most hilarious spoof of "Chinese hopping zombie" films. O.K. What is this "Chinese hopping zombie" ? It is a frozen corpse, and it is also a zombie. But it is frozen, so they can not walk in normal form. They are hopping. This is the main idea of this Chinese hopping zombie.
In 80s, there were Hong Kong film series called "Mr. Vampire".
"Mr. Vampire" was produced by famous Sammo Hung. In 70s, this Chinese hopping zombie was translated to "Chinese Vampire" in English. This was because of the popularity of Hammer Horror film. This made the English title of this Chinese hopping zombie movie to be "Mr. Vampire".
"Mr. Vampire" series was really popular among the kids in all around East Asia. This was because they had a lot of comedic value. Of course, there was huge sensation among children in Korea. Those days, you could see hopping kids all round Korea, doing Chinese hopping zombie scenes from the movies.
So some Korean film makers decided to make their own Chinese hopping zombie movie. They hired some of Hong Kong actors and Taiwanese film makers, and made a cheap movie which was filled with its legendary quality of hilariously cheap comedy scenes. That was the movie called, "The Smart Little Kang-si". This "Kang-si" means the Korean word for Chinese hopping zombie.
This film contains a lot of Chinese hopping zombies and many childish jokes without any honor, without any small quantity of decency.
You can see a few of disgusting scenes filled with the worst quality of gross out comedy. I think you know that children like these rude and dirty things. And this movie gives what some children like to make jokes in very cheesy sense.
And in this movie, you can also see a cute boy zombie and some of martial arts scenes. Because they are following some sort of tradition from the original Chinese hopping zombie films of Hong Kong.
Despite of all the bad things, this movie has O.K. story. The problem is it is told in very cheap way, with many senseless hilarious scenes.
The first time you can see is an old hunchback, who takes care of a lots of zombie coffins. And these Chinese hopping zombies live (or just stay dead) in their own peaceful community, which is away from human being.
And you can see a young little smart zombie, and he is the main character. Then, you can see two male zombies. These two zombies are saying "I love you most" to the little smart zombie. And it sounds like: they are some sort of criminals. It is scary, but not in a way that movie really planned to be.
Actually it turns out to be the fact that these two zombies love the mother of the little smart zombie, and they wanted to be friendly to their love interest. Furthermore, there is a birthday party for this mother zombie.
After that you can see the title sequence, which is massive zombie dancing scene. It is inspired by some Michale Jackson dance of that time. Dosens of zombies dancing all around is hilarious idea. But the scene in this movie is without any detailed well-trained quality. It is so cheap and simple. After this dancing, there is the mother zombie who is introduced as Miss Korea when she was alive.
They just ignore all the other guys and herself are all dressed as Chinese. Anyway, now two male zombies fight each other to get the mother zombie. But the little smart zombie misunderstands. He thinks they are fighting for himself. So, he decides to leave and disappears from the community, to end this zombie fighting.
And suddenly the other scene is introduced. What you can see is there is a Dracula-like vampire.
You can not understand what this is. Then suddelny, a Taoist zombie fighter appears. He is Chinese version of Van Helsing.
And he says this Dracula-like vampire is his brother and his brother was attacked by Western vampire. In his theory, this can be cured by blood of Chinese hopping zombie. Because only thing that can cure undead is another undead. And he begins to hunt some Chinese hopping zombies.
Now you can realize the whole system of the story in this movie.
Number one: There is the little smart zombie lost in human town, away from his Chinese hopping zombie community.
Number two: But there is a bad guy who wants to hunt the little smart zombie.
Number three: On the other hand, a bunch of Chinese hopping zombies are trying to search the little smart zombie.
O.K. The situation sounds exciting enough. Then, who can solve this situation? The answer is random kids in town. Because this is senseless children's movie.
The kids take the little smart zombie to his side of zombies, and kick the bad guy's ass.
From the view of the kids in this movie, this film is a bad quality exploitation of another type of a movie, called "E.T."(!). In this movie, this little smart zombie is like E.T. This is very not understandable, but somehow, in this movie the zombie is treated as E.T.-like-creature. The result is cheap, but funny. The little smart zombie looks cute and lovely.
The little smart zombie has his own occult supernatural power and very fantastic out-look, just like E.T.
In this movie, you can see a little sister of a kid is doing a Drew Barrymore's scene, and the little smart zombie is using his magical power to make the kids flying. You can hear one kid is shouting "I am superman."
The final conclusion of the story is the bad guy suddenly using his "grenade launcher". But Chinese hopping zombies take him into some untold explosion, so he dies. And his brother, I mean Dracula-like vampire, is attacked by the kids holding cross simply made by two wooden sticks. Then, zombies take him to the big cross and - BAMM! - crucified him. This unholy scene is the end of all the main fighting.
The very last scene of the movie is wedding scene of the mother zombie. The husband is... both of the two male zombies. So it is one wife vs. two husbands marriage. Some old zombie is saying to the little smart zombie, like "Two daddies are better than one daddy." What a positive wisdom that you can only find in hilarious children's movie!
This film is in bad shape and with endless cheap dialogs, but at the same time, this film also has some of fun factors. Of course, it has mind-blowing hilarious idea. And it is also good at utilizing the known rules of Chinese hopping zombie, such as Chinese hopping zombies are frozen corpses, so they can use magical blizzard, or Chinese hopping zombie can be attacked by Taoism painting and Taoism spells. These things are well attached to the main stream of the story.
One more thing. The actor played the little smart zombie is Taewoo Jeong. He became a famous child actor in early 90s, especially in serious history themed TV shows. Now he is still a good actor with good acting skill.
(The Smart Little Zombie)
In 80s, there were Hong Kong film series called "Mr. Vampire".
"Mr. Vampire" was produced by famous Sammo Hung. In 70s, this Chinese hopping zombie was translated to "Chinese Vampire" in English. This was because of the popularity of Hammer Horror film. This made the English title of this Chinese hopping zombie movie to be "Mr. Vampire".
"Mr. Vampire" series was really popular among the kids in all around East Asia. This was because they had a lot of comedic value. Of course, there was huge sensation among children in Korea. Those days, you could see hopping kids all round Korea, doing Chinese hopping zombie scenes from the movies.
So some Korean film makers decided to make their own Chinese hopping zombie movie. They hired some of Hong Kong actors and Taiwanese film makers, and made a cheap movie which was filled with its legendary quality of hilariously cheap comedy scenes. That was the movie called, "The Smart Little Kang-si". This "Kang-si" means the Korean word for Chinese hopping zombie.
This film contains a lot of Chinese hopping zombies and many childish jokes without any honor, without any small quantity of decency.
You can see a few of disgusting scenes filled with the worst quality of gross out comedy. I think you know that children like these rude and dirty things. And this movie gives what some children like to make jokes in very cheesy sense.
And in this movie, you can also see a cute boy zombie and some of martial arts scenes. Because they are following some sort of tradition from the original Chinese hopping zombie films of Hong Kong.
Despite of all the bad things, this movie has O.K. story. The problem is it is told in very cheap way, with many senseless hilarious scenes.
The first time you can see is an old hunchback, who takes care of a lots of zombie coffins. And these Chinese hopping zombies live (or just stay dead) in their own peaceful community, which is away from human being.
And you can see a young little smart zombie, and he is the main character. Then, you can see two male zombies. These two zombies are saying "I love you most" to the little smart zombie. And it sounds like: they are some sort of criminals. It is scary, but not in a way that movie really planned to be.
Actually it turns out to be the fact that these two zombies love the mother of the little smart zombie, and they wanted to be friendly to their love interest. Furthermore, there is a birthday party for this mother zombie.
After that you can see the title sequence, which is massive zombie dancing scene. It is inspired by some Michale Jackson dance of that time. Dosens of zombies dancing all around is hilarious idea. But the scene in this movie is without any detailed well-trained quality. It is so cheap and simple. After this dancing, there is the mother zombie who is introduced as Miss Korea when she was alive.
They just ignore all the other guys and herself are all dressed as Chinese. Anyway, now two male zombies fight each other to get the mother zombie. But the little smart zombie misunderstands. He thinks they are fighting for himself. So, he decides to leave and disappears from the community, to end this zombie fighting.
And suddenly the other scene is introduced. What you can see is there is a Dracula-like vampire.
You can not understand what this is. Then suddelny, a Taoist zombie fighter appears. He is Chinese version of Van Helsing.
And he says this Dracula-like vampire is his brother and his brother was attacked by Western vampire. In his theory, this can be cured by blood of Chinese hopping zombie. Because only thing that can cure undead is another undead. And he begins to hunt some Chinese hopping zombies.
Now you can realize the whole system of the story in this movie.
Number one: There is the little smart zombie lost in human town, away from his Chinese hopping zombie community.
Number two: But there is a bad guy who wants to hunt the little smart zombie.
Number three: On the other hand, a bunch of Chinese hopping zombies are trying to search the little smart zombie.
O.K. The situation sounds exciting enough. Then, who can solve this situation? The answer is random kids in town. Because this is senseless children's movie.
The kids take the little smart zombie to his side of zombies, and kick the bad guy's ass.
From the view of the kids in this movie, this film is a bad quality exploitation of another type of a movie, called "E.T."(!). In this movie, this little smart zombie is like E.T. This is very not understandable, but somehow, in this movie the zombie is treated as E.T.-like-creature. The result is cheap, but funny. The little smart zombie looks cute and lovely.
The little smart zombie has his own occult supernatural power and very fantastic out-look, just like E.T.
In this movie, you can see a little sister of a kid is doing a Drew Barrymore's scene, and the little smart zombie is using his magical power to make the kids flying. You can hear one kid is shouting "I am superman."
The final conclusion of the story is the bad guy suddenly using his "grenade launcher". But Chinese hopping zombies take him into some untold explosion, so he dies. And his brother, I mean Dracula-like vampire, is attacked by the kids holding cross simply made by two wooden sticks. Then, zombies take him to the big cross and - BAMM! - crucified him. This unholy scene is the end of all the main fighting.
The very last scene of the movie is wedding scene of the mother zombie. The husband is... both of the two male zombies. So it is one wife vs. two husbands marriage. Some old zombie is saying to the little smart zombie, like "Two daddies are better than one daddy." What a positive wisdom that you can only find in hilarious children's movie!
This film is in bad shape and with endless cheap dialogs, but at the same time, this film also has some of fun factors. Of course, it has mind-blowing hilarious idea. And it is also good at utilizing the known rules of Chinese hopping zombie, such as Chinese hopping zombies are frozen corpses, so they can use magical blizzard, or Chinese hopping zombie can be attacked by Taoism painting and Taoism spells. These things are well attached to the main stream of the story.
One more thing. The actor played the little smart zombie is Taewoo Jeong. He became a famous child actor in early 90s, especially in serious history themed TV shows. Now he is still a good actor with good acting skill.
Daughter of a Ghost (마계의 딸, MAGYE-UI TTAL, 1983)
"Daughter of a Ghost" is 1983 Korean horror film, which is one of the old Korean gothic horror films.
Actually these old Korean gothic horror films of 80s should be regarded as rip-off of popular Korean TV show called "Tales of Old Town". This TV anthology series was really popular because of its scenes with long haired female ghost. This long haired female ghost is one of the most popular types of the ghost in Korean pop-culture.
It is traditionally known as a virgin ghost. This concept of virgin ghost is based on medieval folk theory something like a virgin girl dies and this girl is so sad to be dead, so she turns to be a ghost usually attacks men or female rivals. And this virgin ghost has been most effective horror theme of Korean horror movies. Anyway in this movie, there is no actual virgin ghost, but there is a grandma ghost who looks like virgin ghost.
This film "Daugher of a Ghost" is one of the bad example for one of old Korean gothic horror films. This movie has a really weak story. Actaully there is no plot in a sane normal sense. The only purpose of this movie is just remaking bunch of chep scenes picked from Korean horror TV shows. Of course, these scenes are so cheap, which include long tedious meaningless old Korean shaman exorcism, which is performed by real shaman from local fortune teller. Another scene includes a random object from other occult horror film which is from western style horror film.
And most of all, there is a flying coffin which is with some unknown smoke like it has some rocket booster. And of course, somehow this film says this old ghost sucks blood and the ghost is vampire. Because British Hammer Horror film was also very popular in 70s and 80s of Korea.
So the film maker picked some scenes and shot them, and just attached some weried thing they called a story. It is like this: There was a daugher. And she was abused by her stepmother. So her real mother who is already dead gets so angry. Now this real mother becomes a ghost and killing people. So it is actually the story of a daugther of a ghost. But this daugher is not the actual bad guy, unlike son of dracula or daughter of dracula. They were bad. But in this movie, daughter of a ghost is O.K., but her mom is real problem. Final conclusion of this movie is very meaningless.
In this final conclusion, there is no honor, and there is no decency for regular human movie fan. It is like this: This daughter suddenly gets tired of all this mess of murder and revenge, so she dicided to be a buddihst, and she ran out from the our material world, like finding her own Nirvana.
One more thing. the actress who played the ghost in this film is Jiyoung Kim. And she is now very actively working TV actress. Suprisingly, in most of TV shows of today, her acting and her work is really good.
Actually these old Korean gothic horror films of 80s should be regarded as rip-off of popular Korean TV show called "Tales of Old Town". This TV anthology series was really popular because of its scenes with long haired female ghost. This long haired female ghost is one of the most popular types of the ghost in Korean pop-culture.
It is traditionally known as a virgin ghost. This concept of virgin ghost is based on medieval folk theory something like a virgin girl dies and this girl is so sad to be dead, so she turns to be a ghost usually attacks men or female rivals. And this virgin ghost has been most effective horror theme of Korean horror movies. Anyway in this movie, there is no actual virgin ghost, but there is a grandma ghost who looks like virgin ghost.
This film "Daugher of a Ghost" is one of the bad example for one of old Korean gothic horror films. This movie has a really weak story. Actaully there is no plot in a sane normal sense. The only purpose of this movie is just remaking bunch of chep scenes picked from Korean horror TV shows. Of course, these scenes are so cheap, which include long tedious meaningless old Korean shaman exorcism, which is performed by real shaman from local fortune teller. Another scene includes a random object from other occult horror film which is from western style horror film.
And most of all, there is a flying coffin which is with some unknown smoke like it has some rocket booster. And of course, somehow this film says this old ghost sucks blood and the ghost is vampire. Because British Hammer Horror film was also very popular in 70s and 80s of Korea.
So the film maker picked some scenes and shot them, and just attached some weried thing they called a story. It is like this: There was a daugher. And she was abused by her stepmother. So her real mother who is already dead gets so angry. Now this real mother becomes a ghost and killing people. So it is actually the story of a daugther of a ghost. But this daugher is not the actual bad guy, unlike son of dracula or daughter of dracula. They were bad. But in this movie, daughter of a ghost is O.K., but her mom is real problem. Final conclusion of this movie is very meaningless.
In this final conclusion, there is no honor, and there is no decency for regular human movie fan. It is like this: This daughter suddenly gets tired of all this mess of murder and revenge, so she dicided to be a buddihst, and she ran out from the our material world, like finding her own Nirvana.
(Jiyoung Kim as the ghost)
One more thing. the actress who played the ghost in this film is Jiyoung Kim. And she is now very actively working TV actress. Suprisingly, in most of TV shows of today, her acting and her work is really good.
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